Patti's ECB Live Show Album (Click Here)

Patti's Mass EC Review
(For Patti's Awesome Pictures Check the Gallery)
First - I got to meet Stacie and Meg! What absolute Sweethearts!!!!
They were first in line
lol...I went over to meet then and then got back in line.
Oh Stacie had a gift for me....a framed picture of Eric....with
the text Over it saying
"WANTED" and under the picture it says "Eric Church... IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS FOR
OMG LMBO!!!!!! Totally Rocks!
On to the show....
Meg and Stacie got in before us and held a spot for the kiddos to get up front!!! YAY! Of course the stage was *TEENY TINY*
came on stage....just Eric. He started out w/2 pink lines....he kept looking at the kids and finally after the song (I think
lol) he said "I know you two" to the kids...Then he said to me......"you're their mother?" I said yes and he said "your Patti"
I said "yes" and he said "I got the map" and grinned! lol. *giddy happy dancing*
ACK!!!! I was *SOOOO* shocked...I
really never expected it!
He played a bunch of stuff....."Before she does, Sinners, How 'bout you, These boots, what
I almost was, Guys, 2 pink lines, LIVIN' PART OF LIFE (Lol I yelled for that one and he looked at MEG lol...and said something
along the lines of "you're going to make me do that one"
He also did Chevy Van (according to Jon) and Take a load off
oh and 2 new songs that were GREAT!
During How 'bout you = when he sings "I still say yes Ma'am to
my momma - how 'bout you" he then stopped. He looked at my kids and said (not an exact quote because there is so much in my
head but....) "you guys need to remember that" And he was talking to MY KIDS lol.
During "Before she does"
when he sang "I believe that Dogs are better then Cats" Kaylee held up a sign that said "Cats are Awesome!!!!!!!!! (But dogs
are good too). and had a picture of a cat drawn on it. Eric burst out laughing when he saw it!
The sound was great
(tho I think Jon had his ear blasted out!). It was so much fun. Eric was joking and laughing with the crowd. He was cracking
everyone up!
He told the schlitz story! and said if anyone bought him a schlitz the show was over!!!!!
just cracked up thru the was so He did a great job!
When he started Livin' Part of
Life I held up my sign it said "Livin' part of life with Eric Church".
when the show was over he came over towards
us and leaned down talked to Kaylee and Benjamin and shook their hands...Hugged Stacie and Meg and then leaned over gave me
a big hug and whispered "I Made it"
Then we were off to the MEET & GREET!!!!
Stacie and Meg-o-rama hung
out in line with us. It was so awesome to get to visit-I really enjoyed myself!!!! They totally ROCK!!!
Oh and we got
to meet Orangesun711 and Dalejr8(?) - Renee and Olivia...omgoodness what sweet girls!!! And THANK YOU Olivia for letting
me borrow the silver sharpie so that Eric could autograph the frame!!!!
OMG this is getting long
We got up to Eric...and the kids went up - jon, stacie and meg were taking pictures lol. He remembered
the kids from springfield and the boards lol. They keep saying that "Eric remembers us" They got their stuff signed..he posed
with them.
Then it was ME ME ME - yes i"m selfish but I'm giddy
We got to talk a bit...he apologized
for not getting up here much! (you know what - I get's not a HUGE market for country - but he should know my yard
is available lol) and **yay** he thought the map was funny - not scary ...I was so worried about that! *whew*. I gave him
our bag - hopefully he'll like his gift....*scared* lol.
I showed him the picture that stacie made up and he cracked
up! Then he signed the back "Patti I found it" lol....and he signed my sign....did I say that already?
We posed for
pictures and Jon, Stacie and Meg were are it again snapping pictures....and Eric said "you must be famous up here - it's like
the papparazzi!" cracked me up.
OMG what an absolutely positively phenomenal night.
And no I didn't pass out
Tho Kaylee said it looked like I had a smile plastered on my face the whole night.

Patti's RI Show Review!
(For Patti's Awesome Pictures Check the Gallery)
The Massachusetts show was August 2nd 2007 at the Charlie Horse in West Bridgewater, MA.
Meg, Stacie, Lauren and Vicki showed up at my house and the kids got to visit with them. We decided that
I was riding with them to the show :)
They also presented me with a copy of the choir directory...OMG it's beautiful
- Meg you did a GREAT job!!!
Benjamin was funny he yelled "THEY"RE HERE I SEE STACIE" lol. Then he hid in his room.
hit the road and got to the Charlie Horse....and the girl at the desk said something like "You're kidding me" when she saw
us. They did say they'd had 100 calls about the show today.
Got seated and seriously the staff kept coming by and looking
at us - a couple even talked to us about our attire. We had so much fun at the table (we got there at 5:30 so we had alot
of time to talk - I love these girls!)
We saw Renee & Olivia and talked w/them a bit.
Oh and then we look
up and Ed and Jeff were coming in the side door near us.....followed by Eric. After a double take he came over to our table
- which was cool. We chatted a couple minutes and he headed for the stage.
Yes we got to see the sound check!!!!! No-one
even bothered with it so it was just us up there. Can you else coming up to watch the sound check? *hrrumph*
Then Eric came over to us after the soundcheck and we all got hugs *yay*. He went over to Renee and Olivia and
talked to them. You could see people
So eventually we moved right up to the stage and stood
for 2 1/2 friend Holly showed up and hung with us.
The place was filling in and ended up
packed the place was overwhelmed....and freaking out. It was funny when the kitchen staff came out and looked around with
their mouths open....literally.
They put a tray of JD& Coke on eric's stool...(Yes it was JD because when Ed handed
it the the drunk behind me they spilt it all over me (drunk guys fault).
Finally Eric, Ed and Jeff came out....OMG
the show was AMAZING. It was amusing watching Eric try to figure out what to do with the tray of drinks.
They started
out w/2 pink lines. I can't even remember all the songs, how 'bout you, before she does, Guys cover of the rolling stone,
I think that Eric was abit surprised w/the crowd up here....the crowd was rowdy as all get out. They were singing
soooo loud - it was amazing!
Ok - it was HOT so hot Eric even said "It's hot here" to us. He gave us each a wave from
the was the only one who noticed so when I waved back he grinned.
Oh and the middle guitar string
broke on Eric lol....he laughed about it. I don't remember the song tho.
Then when he played Guys....we threw on the
A&F hats....Stacie bought one for each of us (thank you Stacie!!!). We started putting them on and Eric Cracked Up!!!!!
Jeff Cracked up!!!!! Ed....he didn't get it lol.
Seriously-Eric just stopped singing and the audience sang and it was
Then he said that the resturant said there were too many people to do a meet and he was going
to cut the set short and do a m&g.
Well....they did the meet & greet but no pictures. We were watching and
Eric was running thru pretty quickly......They were only letting 2 people thru at a time. So Stacie and Meg went first
and he spent alot of time w/them...then Vicki and Lauren.....who again got alot of time....then Me and Holly...who stood
off to the side. AFter our hug Eric asked who Holly was and I told him we'd been friends since we were 17 and he went over
and shook her hand.
He spent a bit of time w/me....I loved his "Presents....I love presents" lol. He signed my Map
lol and a photo album I made of from the RI show....he flipped thru it a little. Oh and signed the hat.
Oh it was funny
he asked how the kids were, then apologized that they couldn't come and told me to tell them hi. Then when he flipped open
the photo album he opened it up to their picture and said "There they are" I tell you - the way to any momma's heart is thru
her kids.
He also said he loved the hats.....he thought it was funny - but he couldn't get Ed to figure out what he
was laughing about.
Then we were talking to Ed & Jeff and got to go into another room to get pics of us 5 with
them w/the hats on ~ of course it's the #1 picture on my roll of film lol. *doh*
I was thrilled to meet Ed & Jeff
too!!! I've never met the ECB before. They were totally awesome!
Oh and If you have read this entire review.....thank
*added info*
WE all posted about how packed the place was right?
Well bare in mind that the resturant staff didn't
think this would be a big show.....they kinda chuckled about us wanting to stand at the stage.
Not only was the resturant
One of my co-workers drives by the Charlie Horse to get home from work. He said he passed it about 10:30....
the PARKING LOT was FULL of people....Both the CH parking lot and LOWES (which is next door). He pulled thru to see what was
going on and then he remembered I was at Eric's show there.
He said you could hear Eric out in the parking lots and
people were standing around singing to the songs!!!!
OMG - here Eric and the venue thought it would be a small show
but not only did he SELL OUT (Woot!! GO ERIC) he had an overflow into the parking co-worker said there were ALOT
of people out there!!!!!!
YIPPPPEEEE SKIPPY! I bet Eric will come back to Mass for sure! (Any good Church boy should
go to Mass right? lol )
Oh I bet those hostess and wait staff are no longer laughing at us choir members!!!!